Basic Website Maintenance
Posted by Webmaster on Jan 8, 2013 in Basic Website Maintenance, Website Maintenance | 0 comments

Basic Maintenance Package:
We keep your database(s) optimized and running smooth, we backup your entire site – database and files – monthly on the server and in our house-machines, just in case. Something happens, you get hacked or infested with a virus, we can wipe out the entire thing and restore your website entirely, we keep your modules and plugins up-to-date, making sure they remain compatible with your web site core, all of this included and free of charge for the first year.
Following that period, you decide if you wish for us to keep on doing your web site maintenance, or if you prefer taking charge of the matter yourself, it’s up to you.
Basic maintenance package is $10.00 US / month or $100.00 US / year if paid annually.
Not covered by any Maintenance package, Pay-as-you-go maintenance working hours are charged at the rate of $40.00 US for the first (1st.) hour, and $60.00 / hour there-after in increments of 15 minutes.
During your first year of included maintenance, we recommend to ask all the questions that come to your mind regarding the way it functions. It is an opportunity to get to know your system! 🙂
Several Packages with different levels of hours are available and if you do not see one agreeable to you here, we’ll tailor one just for you.
I need a better Website Maintenance Package or Pay-as-you-go